
Each of my published books is described on a separate page. This page lists published books, books accepted for publication, books not yet accepted for publication, and even some that are not yet written:

Archibald Zwick and the Eight Towers, CrossBooks, November 23, 2010. This exciting fantasy adventure for teens is set in the famous Bermuda Triangle. MORE INFORMATION.

Truth in the Eight Towers, CrossBooks, May 3, 2011. This book reveals some surprising secrets hidden in Archibald Zwick and the Eight Towers. MORE INFORMATION.

Animal Church: A Fable for Modern Christians, coming soon. This book takes a satirical look at the modern church and how Christians fail to live up to God's calling.

Tares Among the Wheat: In Search of Authentic Christianity, now being written. This serious book will pose hard questions about whether the modern church is authentic.

Take Pride in Your Southern Heritage, now being written. If you are a southerner, then don't miss this book, which will examine our unique heritage.

The Loyal Southron, now being written. This historical novel set in Civil War Alabama will challenge your assumptions about that war and the history you have been taught.